45 Unforgettable Bowhunters
If you’re a bowhunter or merely interested in archery’s rich history, here’s a rare opportunity to meet some of the most memorable men and women ever to reach full draw. “Unforgettable Bowhunters” offers readers a fascinating, eye-opening look into the unique lives, adventures and misadventures of these noteworthy history-makers.
Think you know all about legendary bowhunters Chuck Adams, Fred Bear, Jim Dougherty, Myles Keller, Roy Case and Glenn St. Charles? Or bow-making giants Ben Pearson, Tom Jennings, Gail Martin and Pete Shepley? Or noted traditional archers Bob Swinehart, John “Muzzy” Musacchia, Nathan Andersohn, G. Fred Asbell, Jay Massey and Paul Schafer?
Think again.
“Unforgettable Bowhunters” offers 464 pages packed with never-before-told anecdotes and illustrated by hundreds of previously unpublished photographs. In addition to the icons already mentioned, you’ll share a day in the frenetic life of rock superstar Ted Nugent. You’ll also meet a successful one-armed bowhunter, a police officer and avid bowhunter pulled alive from the rubble of the World Trade Center on 9/11, a Montana bowman who just might be the best elk hunter alive and the man who killed the greatest whitetail of all time.
There’s much more, from convicted poachers and accused cheaters to the man who tried to introduce drugs into bowhunting. Don’t forget the fairer sex, because three chapters spotlight three amazing, unforgettable women hunters. Plus many other bowhunters’ stories guaranteed to entertain and inform readers.
Authored by Bowhunter magazine editor/founder M. R. James, himself a member of the Archery Hall of Fame and a recipient of the Outdoor Writers Association of America’s Excellence in Craft award, “Unforgettable Bowhunters” contains detailed, on-target recollections of James’ personal friendships and professional dealings with a veritable WHO’S WHO of modern bowhunting’s legends.